Latest news disease Norway
The latest news about the disease that has been ravaging dogs in Norway for several weeks is clear: participation bans are being lifted. There is no risk of infection and it is unlikely that there has been any risk at all.
That is why it is advised to allow animals from Norway to enter at events again.
The board of the SBTCN will follow the advice of the FCI / Dutch Kennelclub, and therefore allow the dogs from Norway to enter at our show. Please note, when registering, people agreed to the cynological regulation. The following is described in this regulation:
Article IV.17
1. A dog can only be entered for an Exposition by submitting the registration form fully completed and signed to the Organizer and transferring the registration fee in the manner indicated on the registration form.
2. The Exhibitor must declare on the registration form:
a. that by acceptance he accepts the jurisdiction of the Kennelclub and the operation of the Kynological Regulations, and may be deemed to be familiar with these Regulations;
b. that the dog entered by him, as far as he is aware, during the last twelve weeks has not been in circumstances which could lead to a risk of infection with distemper or any other contagious disease, and that he will not enter the dog in if the circumstances referred to may still occur.
c. that the dog registered by him has been sufficiently vaccinated, through (regular) vaccinations, the validity of which can be demonstrated
All authorities agree that this is not a contagious disease. The risk of contamination for a specific Norwegian disease is therefore no reason to refuse people.
Therefore the responsibility lies entirely with the Norwegian participants whether or not their dogs will be entered. For each participant it is a personal choice whether or not he and his dog(s) will be present at next week’s clubmatch.